Thursday, October 29, 2009


I'm at work and Rozana is on the way to be here. Today her kindergarten is off and I don't have anyone for taking care so Mehrdad & I divided my working time ,first half for Mehrdad and second half for me. Of course she is not a ball but today is passed here and there.
Today I came to work by bus!!!!!! A 30 minute way took about 80 minutes. I was sitting there and looking at the face of people who were getting on and off and guessing who are them and what's their problem of being always frawning. It was an old game which I was used to play while going to high school and university by bus. Now I have a car which was my dream of that days but I'm still running and somehow hate driving because it occupies my mind and don't let me thinking about myself and Rozana.
Life is a nice paradox.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


It's the third time in last week that I've opened page of updating my blog but exactly after opening the page didn't find anything to write, I mean there were lots of subjects for writing and I can't select one of them.
My mother went to Mashad and I'm very alone, in taking care of Rozana and talking with a friend. I'm just running and asking myself to be more potential of doing new tasks. Actually I'm successful in this case but the price is important too.
I'm responsible for house jobs, Rozana trainings, office work ... and now thinking that I'm handling all of them but not with a perfect quality.
From Wednesday a worker will come regularly to solve my problem in house jobs but what about Rozana and what about my own spirite which is dying to be cherished even by going to swimming pool or a gym club?!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Lovely princess

Rozana likes going to a barber but during the haircut only gaze

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Yesterday was holiday in Iran calendar and tomorrow the same. I'm at work ,full of energy and happy of being at this point of my life. Yesterday I only rest at my parents home and today I'm going to eat lunch with a friend who haven't met for months. Everything is OK so why nagging like other times.
Beside all these happinesses in life, I'm happy of having a man beside who is able for saying love me whenever I need , not like other men who needs only women ears for listening their problems. We women need hearing magic words of " I love you." it's a fact I think.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Life is Life

I was absent for lots of reasons, being so busy at work, catching cold, disconnection of Internet for a day, ...
Now I feel how I've missed this page of HTML codes.
I had a very busy and of course happy weekend. On Thursday my best friend and her husband with were us and on Friday we went to Mehrad's sister and Rozana played and screamed and laughed and ... Now I've learnt to enjoy the most from my opportunities so tried to manage my feelings in the way I want and surprisingly I was successful. It means lots of disturbing ideas didn't bother me any more.
Mehrdad caught cold badly and had a sever flue, even the doctor was shocked of his temperature ,he is better today.

I've missed my brothers and Attiejoon a lot. How bad it's that you can't meet your beloved ones whenever you want but someones who are not important run into your mind everyday.

Thanks God everything is going well.
I'll put new pictures of my little princess at next post.
bye for now.