Sunday, April 30, 2006
Messengers of good news
This year again those sparrows came to their house and gave birth to their child, but although I don't believe in this myth, I know something good is happening.
Sometimes living in this world of fantasy is very interesting!!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Mehrdad's birthday
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Like before
After the announcement of
First I think current president of
Second, I think existence of women in those public places like football stadiums needs a certain culture improvement which prevents any offensive acts by itself. And reaching to that certain point which allows everyone to sit and watch their favorite team plays, needs a long way.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Making vehicles for villagers to leave the land last 36 hours, and those ones who left there not immediately, are suffering from the effects of radioactive radiations.
Having the nuclear weapons is a sine qua non for making peace in a country but it's not a per se adequate.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Summer in Iran
100 years ago in Iran, a man ordered women to wear cloths as he wished and this obligation was very hard to be accepted and results into those conflicts which we all have read about them in history. But now after passing all these years again the history is repeating but in another type. This time the governors at the start of summer have threatened women that if they wear those so-called unsuitable cloths they will put them in prison. I don't want to mention if those cloths are good or bad, but I think it's exactly another version of Reza Khan's order which is repeating.
SS Championship
Yesterday Esteghlal (one of the football teams of professional league of Iran) won the 5th cup, and of course because I'm one of his fans, it was a good day. League of Iran will start in August and till then the players will prepare to play in the world cup matches.
Because this season was before the start of Germany 2006 match, most of the players did their best to be elected in the national team. And the federation of Iran football held recent plays very on time and scheduled. It's a noticeable incident in our football, because behind all wins there should be cute managements.
Goal keeper of Esteghlal was unimaginable. He was one of the bests and I hope he plays in Germany so far.
After the championship of Esteghlal, the whole team members started praying God in the middle of the soccer land. It proofs that if you want to be successful in Iran, you should never forget to act as a holy man in all your life. (Don't take it seriously, just ACT.)
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Reversed Verbs
But I shouldn't forget that everyone are not like my friends. Yesterday when I told someone my reversed verb, she just frowned and turned her back. Of course it wasn't important for me at all but it just reminds me that I should watch my language more than before when I'm with strangers.
Do you get what I mean by reversed verbs?
Monday, April 17, 2006
Are we this much rich?
Hearing this news will be more interesting when you hear that the damages about Dorood earthquake are just growing because those poor people didn't have enough money to harden their buildings, and even now, they don't get enough money to rebuild their houses. Rich people of Iran are helping involuntarily to Palestine and then… (Like always I don't have anything to say except a Sigh!!!)

This is the picture of Atossa, daughter of great Cyrus ,whose mother was Mandana. Because at the time of Achaemenid Empire most of the marriages were for a cause, at first Atossa married Cambysess 2 and then Smerdis and then she became the wife of Darius 1. Their son was Xerxes who was one of the main kings of Achaemenid and was winner in Iran-Rom fights.
She is one of the instances of successful woman in Iran, not only because of her marriages but because of her great acts she did in Iran history. At those times were Arabs kill their daughters because of their sex, king of Iran consults with her wife before taking decisions.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Tomorrow is the birthday of prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in Shiah calendar, congratulations to those who take it as an Eid.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I feel paying much attention to nuclear conflicts is one of them. So it's better not to know how uranium is written than knowing how it's enriched.
A Successful Mind
He is younger than us, maybe about 20 ,but he wants to go gym with his friends, eat in top restaurants ,travel to nice resorts , buy new models of ipod and mobile phones… and lots of other wishes most of the youth dream about. But he also had the main problem: he didn't have any money for his dreams.
He thought and though and at last decide a noble idea. He went to his computer and designed a webpage with one million pixels on it and worth each pixel 1$. He advertises it between his friends and then one of them bought the first 400 pixels. It means that he had his first 400$. He spends this money for more advertisements and then BOOM!!! Lots of requests for buying his pixels were done. He says at that time money was pouring on his head like rain and it was increasing by itself.
He sold and sold the pixels until just 1000 pixels were left, he put on them on eBay and sold the last ones for 38000$.
Now lots of people in the world are making similar sites and maybe they are successful in their way but the first one who has the new idea is the winner.
You can check his site and the procedure of buying it's pixels in the links below:
Uranuim Enrichment
In the procedure of making an atomic bomb, enriching uranium is one of the vital steps. As far as I know, when uranium is found in a land, scientist should reform it from a mine material to a solid and pure one which is called yellowcake. The technology of making this substance is very secret and the countries that have it prefer to sell their own-made yellowcakes to the others who want use nuclear powers.
After making this material, they should convert it to gas by heating it about 64c and after that they lead this gas over centrifuges again and again until its isotopes separates and uranium is enriched.
Low-level enriched uranium can be used as fuel and highly-level enriched ones can be used in nuclear weapons.
Iran government announced that up to now they have made 63 centrifuges and they are going to extend this number to 2500 in 6 months.
I think they want to make an international belief that the entire world should fear of them because they can for example ruin whole Israel whenever they feel that their cruelty is intolerable or etc.
This show off is a dangerous one which ends into spreading more poverty and death. I'm really worried about future. Sigh….
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
A Nurse
She said at the time of earthquake which was about 5AM, she was working in the hospital as the head of nurses. She has a 7 year old daughter which was hearing the voices of earth before the main disaster. She phoned her and said after the work hours finishes, she will immediately come home.
When the earthquake started, she was looking after a pregnant woman. Exactly at that time she gave birth to her child and that nurse helped him between the ruins. Imagine the situation. It must be very tough. Then about at 10 o'clock she became free and run home to see her daughter. But she wasn't able even to find the home. She lost her daughter and 7 more members of her family.
I know after each natural incident there are lots of these stories. But hearing them at any time is difficult.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Just a highway?
In this week Mohammad ElBaradei, the director manager of International Atomic Agency, will come Iran with his inspectors to visit Natanz and other sites. Iran just have 30 days left to make an international confidence otherwise we will see all the disasters we feared about. let's still be hopeful about miracles.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Military Service
We are living in Iran. In our country going to military service is mandatory for men (Thank God that at this phase they again have forgotten the existence of women.). These two years could be mentioned in two different ways.
From one point of view it could be 2 years full of funny and good memories for these young soldiers who are always making joke from the hard and tight attitudes of their leaders and camps.
But from another point of view it could be a class of learning bad habits or even being addicted to whatever which makes hardness of being away of the family easier.
For this last reason most of the families prefer to find a way to not let their spoiled boys go there and today my youngest brother found the way :D
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
ordering like a teacher :O
When I see someone who is acting different when I'm with her and when I'm not , I don't find any reason to continue acting her as pure as before and this contrast makes the relations colder.
DON'T LIE to me.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Welcome Ensan
Time changing
This year after about 20 years the local time in Iran didn't change. In the entire world, for power saving causes at the start of spring, they lose 1 hour and then for the second 6 months they get it. But we shouldn't forget that we are living in Iran and we should always notice to the religious parties which want always saying their noon prayer at 12. They change 60milion people habits to say their prayers at the time of Prophet Mohammad.
I'm still nagging about the matters don't relate to me :o
Monday, April 03, 2006
About holiday
One of the bad memories of my holiday time was the news of earthquake in Dorood. I think you remember the name. I talked about this city when I was writing about my Gahar-Lake trip. One of my best friends at that time was there and up to the moment I heard his voice I was completely worried.
Beside it, all other moments were good. Even first 4 days which I caught cold and weren't able to speak didn't make me sit home.
I saw something strange about Shiraz too. About 12 years ago I went to Shiraz and met Pasargadae; The great Cyrus tomb; at that time there was a picture beside the statue which was describing the place and it's history and was saying that this great man was that one which has been mentioned in Holy Quran for his good jobs. This sentence was very honorable for me. It shows that even Arabs had confessed to Iranian power on ruling countries but this time when I was there I saw that the picture was removed and something cheap was written there. It totally shows that Arabic minds who are ruling Iran don't like to make ancient prides alive any more.
I'll showing you the most famous picture of the Great Cyrus Rules which is saying that:" I'm Cyrus, The king of Hakhamaneshi, The one who made Iran powerful, The one who made Iran rich…"