7 mounths are passed... as fast as a wind & as sweet as a dream & as memorable as a birthday event.
I've come back to work from Saturday, it seems alittle bit difficult from the first glance but when we started the procedure of waking up rozana and bringing her to my mama's house in the early morning and then the first day passed ,everything seemed easier. She wakes up with us in the early morning,feed her milk, washed and then go there. Excatly when she reaches goes to sleep and wakes up around 10, then playing up to lunch time ...and I'm home about13:30. Up to here all the things were good and I think she didn't feel any trouble because she likes going there and they all cherish her very well.
...and about work, I confess that I'd missed all the collegues ,some of them alot and some less. The feeling of being useful not only for rozana but for myself too, was a kind of self-satisfaction which i found on the first day.
Lunch with dear Fattaneh was a good start of new days and also reminder of past nice memories. Although lots of changes has happened at work, our boss changed, some of positions were changed and one of my best friends left PB, but I think these changes are making our memories so we should look positivly to the new changes.
Welcome back Somi to work and thank you all kind friends who never let me feel tired and useless during these 7 mounths.