These are her last night Birthday party photos. She was very good, no cryings, no naggings, no sleeping, only playing and laughing. Really I enjoyed ,the only missing part was my brothers and his wife absence which I can never get used to . In the middle of the party and at the end I was thinking about them.
It's turning to a custome to write about the day of last year in the children's blogs in their 1st birthday. So I'm writing, see how much I remember:
It's better to start from the previous day of Rozana's birthday. It was Friday. In the week before we had changed our house and still there were some things missing so in the morning Mehrdad and I went to Bazaar and bought a washing machine . We were in the returning was while Fattaneh rang. She talked for calming me and told about her experiences, even she was surprised that I was in Bazzar. I came my mama's home at about 2PM, ate lunch as much as I want with lots of lemon juice and olive oil (those ones who had sezarian knows why I should eat them). After lunch some of my other friends called, they were trying to calm me and now I see they were successful. Attie jun was in Iran and came to our house. she wants to come the next day. Anyhow, at least after 9 months and 6 days waiting, after 42 weeks of writing posts in the blog, after those sweet moments of hearing about my pregnancy ,hearing about her gender, feeling her first movement, looking at her sonography pictures and lots more , it was 5 AM 24th of August 2007. We was in the hospital at 6 and my preparation lasts for 90 minutes. I went and hugged my mama and Atti joon, for being honest at that moment I was thinking what will happen if I don't become conscious again. Then I talked in the camera which was in the surgery room and after that I don't remember anything, from that moment all my memories has changed to those frames which are showing me the moment of Rozana's birthday (8AM), her hurry in crying, her lovely figure when she was away from me and then ... little by little I was able hearing voices, first of all my mama's who were saying I had a very nice and healthy girl. So it was a girl, thanks God (up to the last moment I wasn't sure about it), then ... pains came. I was feeling my stomach is open and if I move all my organs will be throne away. even I was putting my hands on my belly for prevention!!! I went to my room, it was very tiny and hot ,I was thinking about her ... not remembering clearly .. suddenly a nurse brought a bunch of white cloth , put it beside me and said look, she is your daughter!!!!! Really I can't write about this moment. It was the result of all those pain tolerance ,it was my gift. after that they put her for feeding, she started quickly and made me damn happy. Then my mama changed my room and then some relatives and friends came for visiting.
Even now after 1 year I feel crying reviewing her birthday memories.
Happy Birthday my dear rozana, Happy Birthday my sweet little princess.