Monday, May 23, 2011


Sometime you are happy out of nothing or maybe you are happy but others think it's no reason.
Abji (my dear grandma) is sick and in the hospital for about 1 month. She is not well and her heart is not beating in a good manner. Today morning she was supposed to have an operation and nobody was sure about her heart beat after the surgery. Now ,I'm happy because her doctor didn't let for the surgery and she is still alive, maybe paining but ALIVE. She is with us and I've missed her for all my life...

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Labor's Day

1st of May is named as Labor's day in the world calendar. Workers from all over the world will express themselves for those who are benefiting from them and forget their role.
In Iran of course it's not as easy as other places. Those who wish to be in these gatherings should be ready for any accident from 1 to unlimited days of jail ...
Anyway, Mehrdad's workplace is always off in this day. I went to work and asked him to bring Rozana to her kindergarten in the morning. But Mehrdad forgot to wake up ( !!!! ) till 11. Let me describe the rest from Mehrdad's quotes : " I saw a little foot on my head and heard a nice voice shouting for spoofing her toes !!! I asked her what's happening and she said I've put on nail polishes on my hand and toes. I spoofed my hand fingers and you should poof my toes.... You imagine what happened next .
Rozana is growing and growing. Maybe I write here rarely ,it's out of my busy days but I'm online in facebook more often. She can count with calculator !!! dance in her own manner, talk, talk, talk non-stop for really 2 hours :))) and cry just at the moment she want... She is growing and I'm thinking how precious she is for me and wish all those who want having child come to their wishes.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011