I updated my weblog after a short delay, believe me it's all Rozana's fault. She is getting very nice and funny which I prefer to sit and play with her instead of sitting at computer. I don't know how to describe her improvements to give you my feeling:
Now she knows my mom, my dad, Mehrdad and I very well and smile back when WE call her name and laugh at her. She is trying to speak so says something meaningless but beside her excersises she gazez at our lips while talking to her for learning better skills :D She sleeps with us and Wakes with us too. Now she is getting alittle bit fat because is only on the floor and moving her hands and feet but I'm sure when she starts walking all the overweights will be gone. She loves taking bath except washing her face, so we go and play in bath and at the last phase I wash her face and in her cries give her to Mehrdad for wearing on her cloths. Like other children she likes gazing at her top ,no matter what it is but it's interesting( you can see it in the pics) ....
I can write about her for hours and hours but maybe you get tired so enough for today ;) !!!!!!!!
rozanaee naz nazi boos
hi somi ...how are you ? Rozana is so cute..and her pictures are great..do you know she looks like you?...........be happy and have a wonderful time with hony rozana
dear somi
thanks a lot for let us to know about you lovely baby more and more.
i have to say that she is just like her father expect he hair which fortunately is like you.
please BECHELOONESH ta i will come to her.kiss.
sharmande man faghat axh rozana koochooloo ro tosif mikonam va in ha faghat bara ine ke comment ha tekrary nabshe. baz man tebghe mamool az axe shomare yek shooroo mikonam ta be akhar beresam .az zabane nave amoo
1: too otagham deraz keshide boodam ke sedaye dar oomad
2:khoshhal shodam goftam hatman mamane oomade ke behem shir bede
3: sabr kardam maman nayoomad bargashtam binam maman koja ja moonde
4: mamano nadidam dar natije bishtar deghat kardam
5: sedaye pa oomad tarside boodam
6:yek dafe yek adam khili bozorg vard shod khili tarsidam raftam bine baleshta vali oomad be tarafam
7:ey va in ke babame
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