I'm talking about my little princess again, I'm talking about her improvements:
Before bringing her to kindergarten I had another face in my mind. I always thought it's a bad place which is Very mandatory for the children and every morning they go by force, I thought it's a reverse procedure in their training system and maybe in the future those children will become angry and unsatisfied, and lots of other similar thought... but now I'm changed. Now I think it's a place which is certainly made for training them, with some kind teachers who are trying always act the role of mothers ,and lots of other children who are an exercise of making correct communications with new friends for those babies who are the only child in their families.
...and her improvements: She answers us when we ask about the sound of sheeps( Baaa ,Baaa ). She says Aba(water) when she is thirsty, becomes happy when I'm preparing her food, sings when baby programs starts in TV, dances when a rhythmic song is played, Loves making mess out of her toys in the room, helps bringing the cloths out when I say we are going to take bath, Reads book by herself in her words...
P.S. Dear Anonymous, you are right, the blog music is Godfather.