I know it's very impolite if you don't update the weblog for a long time(As Noonoosh said) ,but this time(like most of previous times) it was blogger and DCI 1fault because I can't open my page at work.
Now I'm typing these lines Rozana is beside me and is trying to put her foot upper and come on the desk!!!!!!! So imagine how hard is blogging from home :D
This photo was taken yesterday when we came out of the bathroom. Iran's weather is gradually getting cold and I put on scarf after lots of discussions with her ( What a discussion with a 15 months old daughter !!!!! )
چه دختر ناز وبا حجابی شده
ایشاالله قدومش همیشه بر زمین استوار باشه.
salam...mage gharar nabood boofe jaame jaam bashe? man faghat az shoma superstare parkway ro shenidam. lotfan be man khabare daghigh bedin ke kojast. mamnoon. be omide didar shoma va dokhmale naazetoon.
If it is rude when you don't update your blog in a long time, then I am rude! :)
Rozana is cute!
اگر گستاخ است که خیلی وقته است که بلاگ را جدید نکرده اید...من گستاخ ام.
روزان(؟) است. (Sorry, my Persian isn't that great.)
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