Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wedding Anniversary

Believe me it's hard to remember even your wedding anniversary out of recent sad news and events.
 Last night when I saw Mehrdad with a bunch of flowers at the door, I was thinking what's the reason: We are going to a party and it's the gift? Some one has given him those flowers? He found those flowers?
When simply he replied tomorrow is our wedding anniversary I was shocked. I've been so busy that didn't remember summer 2002.
 But don't worry, those flowers are still on kitchen counter for remembrance.

I was talking with a friend last Thursday and asked her if she was born again would she marry to the same man? Her answer in not concerned here but mine is definitely YES. I would change some conditions but I'd choose Mehrdad again. At this phase of my life I still think I am right, hope to have this self-satisfaction forever.

1 comment:

khale sanaz said...

this frien isn't me but i really feel no emerge in confusing ourselves whit no important subjects,living whit iranian men whit a such culture that they feels duty face to their family and should be given continues service to parents accured a troble position for their wifes and why should we stick our life to such a situation?