I'm so much happy these days, maybe because of going to Malaysia and visiting my brother & sister or maybe because of some good news hearing around.( Of course when I'm talking about good news it's not related to my country destiny or any improvements in political affairs or any positive movement in human rights, we are still living in Iran with it's specific dictatorship ) 3 new kids are joining to our family in future , one of them in less than 1 week is between us and I'm really happy of thinking about her existence . News of new kids are always inspiring for me. Rozana is talking and talking in her own language . in few moments of being with her I'm only tiding home, feeding her, and trying to guess what she is saying, but during these moments which I'm turning to a kid to be able of playing with her I'm enjoying any job or sound she is making by all my cells. Her nowadays playing with dolls!!!!!!!!! is so funny. Yesterday she put out her doll cloths and wanted to wear them, and my tryings to make her understood that they are not her size wasn't successful . After that while she was eating cerelak she wanted to feed her doll and poor spoon all over the doll face!!! After that she decided to change doll diaper!!! and it was interesting she was repeating all my behaviour in talking with the doll, even my frawning when she does P.P. was the same.
It's human mind protocol I think which try to forget unsolvable problems. I'm happy out of tiny reasons because thinking and thinking about current happenings of Iran is going to have no result and no ending. Peace be upon all those innocent people who died recently and pray God to see released prisoners ASAP.
سلام دوستم
اميدوارم تا حالا بهتر شده باشي. و براتون يه سفر خوب و پر خاطره از ديدار با عزيزانتون آرزومندم
كيف مي كني ماماني . مي بيني كه دخترت چقدر خانم و فهميده شده.
salam safar khobi ro barat arezoo daram
rozanay khoshgel o naz ro beboos
Hi Somisahara
wish you have a nice trip and
I hope you have a wonderful vacation.meanwhile for my granddaughter " Niloofar" soghati
yadet naravad.
Take Care
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