This is my little princess in her new face colored. It was interesting that she sat until the painter finished her job.
Yesterday for the first time, Rozana take the edge of my bed and tried to stand up by her own. But because she is a little bit ... so I helped her but she didn't understand . So she became very happy of this big job she had done and started repeating it times and again. Her perseverance was interesting.
P.S. This photo was taken in a festival done by Mehrdad's working company and lots of children did it. But Rozana's colors were less than the others.
bokhoramet pishi khoshgele!:P
vay azizam che khoshmel shode:X
ki naghashi karde ro soratesh?
hesabi bebosesh:)
merci azizam dar avaz man ba didane een golet hesabi hal kardam rast u karmande bankon kudum bank kudum shobe biaym bedoone nobat karemoono rah bendazin......(shookhi)
salam. akheeeey che naaz shode rozana ***** mage mehrdad koja kar mikone?? mibinam ke bachasham khob tahvil migire ;) inshalah rozana be zoodi rah biyofte o hame vasayele khonat az dastesh dar amaan nabashan :D rasty aala hamishe khob mikhabe ela sa3ate 5,6 sobh ta 11,12 . oonghadr geryehaye alaki mikone ke divone misham nemidonam chekar konam. man ham ma3molan shaba khabam nemibare o sobh ke giche khab misham o aala injor gerye mikone ta 12 nemitonam bekhabam o badjoori sardard migiram. rasty emtehane mo3alemim ham ghabool nakardan doobare bedam goftan bayad sabr koni ta ordere ba3di, inja vaghean ghanooneshon mozakhrafe. rasty ye komak mikhastam/. moshavere ezdevaj khob ke englisi balad bashe soragh nadari ke beshe online bahash moshavere kard? ya inke to mashhad bashe ke beshe raft didanesh. fekr konam vojode in nini to khone koli tool bekeshe ta ooza3emon aadi beshe. nemidonm chera marda ba3zi chizha ro nemifahman!!!
vaay khoda...che moosh mooshake naazi! agar amirreza bood yek lahze ham aroom nemishest va ehtemalan alave bar sooratesh hameye heykalesh ham rangi mishod!!!
somi aziz eydetun va ruze pedar mobarak
rozana ro bebusin
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