Most of the days , Rozana and I go walking in the afternoon. She likes looking at other children running in the playing yard of the park or gazing at the boys who are playing football in the street. She never feels tired of being in the environments like these.
Even last night we were in the park up to 11PM and she was playing and playing with herself ,no matter that her sleeping time had passed and she was sleepy, but if we were at home or in a party after 10PM she starts nagging until we come home and let hers sleep.
When she see my mother or I has worn cloths she become really happy and shows it by her face gestures because she is sure it's time for going out.
We take bath everyday, it's a little bit hard for me going into bath with her daily but when I see that much joy in her face while entering the bath I can't resist in washing her. In the bath it's so funny, she is playing with some toys and I'm pouring water on her and singing for her. Some times she answers me but most of the times just listen and do what she wants. Sometimes feels sleepy and put her head on my foot and lazily leans to me. At these moments I just want to kiss her.
She likes eating everything. Almost there is nothing in the world which Rozana doesn't like eating, isn't it great?
She is talking in her own language but very emotionally and when wants to show this fountain of emotion just clean her mouth by the cloths of that beloved (poor) person. Most of her father and my cloths are dirty because of this and you will feel tickling in all muscles.
This is one of her photos after the abth.
سلام. برای طاها لعاب برنج درست کردم . ممنون از راهنمایی خوبتون. کوچولوی ما هم حمام رفتن و بیرون رفتن رو خیلی دوست داره. ولی من در مورد حمام یه کم تنبلی می کنم و هر روز نمی برمش.
این دخمل نازو با اون چشمای بازش ببوس
akhey cheghadr naaze rozana ba3d az hamom. kheyli dos daram manam aala ro khodam hamom bedam ama fe3lan kheyli kochike. in otagh o hame tazinatesh ro khaharamo saeed doros kardan o man kheyli surprise shodam vaghean az hotel ham ghashang tar shode bod o har ki miyomad surprise mishod. ba inke bimarestanam dolati bod va khososi ham nabod ama adam aslan hes nemikard to bimarestane. mersy ke to in doran hamash be yadam bodi o behem sar mizadi, man ham joyaye ahvale rozana hastam . ya3ni mishe yek bar man biyam iran va rozana o aala ba ham bazi konan??? rasty toye che shahri az iran hasty?
you have a very beautiful & darling baby:)
خدا این دختر کوجولوت را سالم و سلامت
براتون حفظ کنه نوه من اسمش نیلوفر و مثل دختر شما مرتب دوست داره هرکی میره حمام باش بره و تو حمام آب بازی کنه
از طرفخاله غزال و عمو امیر هم که الان کنارم ایستاده و داره با برادرزادش حال میکنه و به به چه چه راه انداخته جیگررررررررررررررر طلارووووووووووووو ببوس و یه گاز هم از اون لپهای آبدارش بگیررررررررررررر:)
man kheyli hersam gerefte. koli chiz neveshtam omadam send konam hame ash pak shod. albate shayad khoda nemikhas ke ba por harfim sareto dard biyaram. neveshte bodam aala ya3ni ne3mat. toye sooreye rahman 32 bar tekrar shode. neveshte bodam ke chetor belakhare ye bar ke to bimarestan bodam baba o mamanam o hame az in esm esteghbal kardan o rast migan ke bache ke bedonya biyad esmesho ba khodesh miyare. dar morede shir dadan ham porside bodam ke vaghty ba sine khodam shir midam az koja befahmam ke bache sir shode ya na . va be andazeye kafi khorde ya na? chon emroz ba3d az 1 sa3at shir dadan baz ham goshnash bod va man 2 shomare ham to shishe kardam behesh dadam ba3d hame ro bala ovord fahmidam ke bish az had behesh dadam, ye khorde ham az networkingo vaziiyate kar inja gelaye karde bodam ke hamon behtar ke pak shod:D kiss kiss kiss rozana
salam. onghadr harfat behem rohiye dad ke emroz mano saeed aala ro khodemon hamom dadim . alan ham ye ehsase khobi daram. ye khorde barnameye khabam ro tanzim kardamo fresh tar az ghabl shodam. fekr konam jom3e ha online nemishi na? rozana khobe? beboosesh ***
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