Actually last week she passed her 10 months old birthday but because I didn't find any good time for concentrating on her new tasks so I write this post today:
This month we went to her pediatrician twice, once for her usually check ups and second time after she caught diarrhea for the first time in her life. She hadn't eaten any fruit or any new food so I was sure that the reason of her disease should be her teeth or maybe her playing with her fingers by her mouth.Any how at first night she got flue and because we didn't know the reason of this sudden rush I think maybe she had cought cold, but the next day all the symptoms were appeared and then she started losing her body water!!! I even can't imagin her losing 1 gram, it was a bad situation. My mom started giving her ORS powder in the water. Surprisingly and thank God that she drank all of it, atleast giving us a hope for equilibrium in her body . When I brought her again to the doctor she didn't give any pounds but also didn't lose either ,so it shows that she is getting better and there would be no need for feeding her by serum.
Now she is good and has started eating her ordinary foods. Thanks God.
Something else about her, she is almost 10 months old. What's the symbole of a child in her age? trying to walk, taking chairs and tables by her hand and trying to stand up, moving on her foots and hands( 4dasto pa), saying some words? Rozana is trying to do all these tasks but only successful in saying Mama, Baba, Dada and that's all. She doesn't show any enthusiasm for moving by her own. When we put her on the floor in a horizantal position, she become tired after 2 minutes and starts nagging asking us for making her sitting or putting her in the walker. even if we make her sat on the floor she sits until we come and take her, I mean she doesn't fall in the ground or change her position. I don't know what are the interpretation of these laziness but maybe she starts doing all these tasks together.
Her measures up to now:
Weight = 10kg , Height = 76cm , Head Area = I don't remember (!!!!!!!)
Glad to hear she is fine now, my daughter had her first diarrhea a few weeks ago and it disappeared after a few days by itself .... Is she crawling ? so why do u say she is not moving when u leave her on the floor? ho come?
سلام سمی جون. ده ماهگی رزانا جون مبارکه. خدا رو شکر که مریضیش خوب شد. ایشالله همیشه سالم و تپلی و ناز مثل همین عکسش باشه.
یه سوال هم ازتون داشتم : ممنون میشم جواب بدید . برای تهیه لعاب برنج باید چن دقیقه برنج را جوشاند و چیز دیگه ای هم لازمه توش بریزم یا نه؟ آخه من شنیدم بعضیا نبات به لعاب برنج اضافه می کنند.
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