Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Test

Today I read a sms by a friend which was very interesting. It's kind of psychological test and results were much near to reality. Here you are:

Imagine that you've sited on a ferry. Weather is stormy and you are carrying 5 animals : A horse, a sheep, a cow, a tiger and a chicken . Ferry is getting heavy so you should through 4 animals away and just keep one of them. Which one do you prefer to keep and which ones do you through away? (The order of animals you are mentioning is important)

I preferred to keep horse and first throwing the cow,then the sheep, then tiger and chicken.

What's your choice?


All these objects are some symbols in your life:
Ferry = Life
Storm = Problems of life
Cow = Wealth
Sheep = Family
Tiger = Pride
Chicken = children
Horse = Love

Do you believe in the results?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont beleive it,,

if ferry is getting havier,, i think we should drop the havier things first, and so on,,


isn't it?

