Monday, October 25, 2010

Oooops !!!

Today I was walking in one of the most crowded avenues of Tehran. I saw a man and his daughter standing beside and it was obvious that they are not Iranians. Man came to me and asked me if I can speak English. I think how lucky he is that found ME who is able to talk to him for helping him, I was thinking maybe he is looking for an address. Anyhow, he asked me if I know the meaning of flood. I said yes but my face was surprised. He thought maybe I don't understand him clearly so said he is talking about "Seil" (flood in Persian) and said he is from Pakistan, had lost everything in recent flood and now is flood-stricken with absolutely nothing to give to his family !!!!!!!!!!!! At this moment I was really shocked, he was begging me in one of Tehran avenues for an accident happened in Pakistan !!!
Somebody said when our president help to some countries like Lebanon same as one of Iran provinces so it's natural that neighbours come here for begging money !


Ali said...

Salam khanoom , reise jomhuri ke albate male ma nist baj ra be kasani bayad bede ke barash becharbe dige .

mehrdad said...

ha ha ha!!
it may be usual later if someone cut your way and ask in his/her language ( english, arabic, pashto, mongolian,..) if you know the meaning of earthquake, famine, flood, intifada , A.N , .. and then asking for money.

Unknown said...

Really it was a funny answer Mr.Mehrdad :p

Unknown said...


You should just asked him do you know what is the meaning of ""Douchebag ""!!??