Saturday, January 01, 2011


We are used to hear what we like , no matter if it's correct or not, if it's our right for stopping it's broadcasting or not, if it's fair or not...
We are used to hear what we like because we LIKE to hear it and think everyone should change themselves for our sake.
Isn't it a kind of dictatorship? I think certainly it is. What's the difference between a dictator who has power to force people thinking in his method and we, if trying to make others think same as our opinion, only the power? It's not important. Our method of thinking is in first degree of attention, we have a potential dictators inside, ...

P.S. Thanks God I have my blog, this is the only place I can talk frankly and am able to simply answer my criticizers " Don't read if you wish, It's your right to choose your page." I'm a dictator too ...


مامان ديبا و پرند said...

سلام دوستم
باور نمي كنم اينقدر ديكتاتور باشي:)))
عزيزم من بچه ها رو مي برم دفتر سلامت روان آتيه كه البته الان از بيمارستان رفته توي ستارخان. دكتر بچه ها خانم دكتر امين زاده هست.شماره اونجا هم 88286886 . موفق باشي

Adele said...

u can b even more dictator than that 2xtar amu juunami as u r a human and full of cotradictory persobnalities!
in dafe B6tar mo4e xodeto bgir:))

sahar gh said...

we have never could be ourselves since,we always pushed to think and manner like what dominant position wants.the reason is our culture ,our country and .........
same as u i wants to speak frankly u r not dictators at all.
our circumstances avoid us to be ourselves and also sometimes be a dictator