Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cuba Leader

Yesterday in the news images of Mr. Fidel Castro, the great leader of Cuba, were spread everywhere showing him in a live TV show. This show ends all the rumors of his dead which were spread in recent 40 days because he hasn't appeared anywhere.
It was interesting that because he knows his people won't believe this live show, so he read the head title of yesterday newspaper in a loud voice to prove that this is real.
But I don't understand one thing. While he is 80 year old and has been rolling Cuba for more than 40 years, why he should prove that he is alive?!!! Of course after this much time it's so probable that he dies but why he thinks by his absence everything will ruin. He is expecting more than he deserves, like a dictator.

Monday, October 30, 2006

SMS News

In a close society like Iran, it's so hard to express yourself. If the civilians are clever then they will find lots of spare ways to say their ideas and I think Iranians are one of the cleverest ones.
One of those spare ways in Iran is using SMS. This unknown service of 10 years ago now is one of the most essential features of Mobile phones. Iran communication network had a new record of 38 million messages for Fetr Eid which is really noticeable.
Beside the ordinary messages, jokes which are sent in certain period directly show the opinions. Nowadays these jokes are most around the foolish decisions of this inexperienced president. The humiliating sense of these jokes shows how smart the creators are. Here is 1 of them for those who are not living in Iran:
(This joke was spread after the unmanaged vacations after Fetr by president) according to last announcements of presidential office, because all the week days are between two Fridays (public holiday in Iran) so from now everyday is vacation in Iran!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fetr Vacations

Surprisingly, this year after Fetr Eid we had 3 days unwanted vacations. Because this holiday wasn't announced before so lots of the benefits have been decreased. I even know some one who was in bad need of cash money but all the banks were closed and he faced into troubles.
Mehrdad and I were in Tehran and just enjoying the holidays, at first Mehrdad caught cold and slept for 2 days and then I caught cold and again slept for 2 days, but with a tiny difference when he went to doctor he ordered 3 ampoules for him :D but I just tried his tablets and no ampoule.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Where Is Moon?

The discussions of seeing moon in the sky (for finding the Fetr day) just before end of Ramadan are really interesting for me. Every year this subjects reviews, everybody talks about the new technologies which are able to predict the route of stars in next 10000000 years, even this technology is able to send messages for other planet creatures, but they should see the moon with their own unarmed eyes to believe that they are allowed to eat food.
Year by year this subject turns more humiliating and nobody tries to make it better. while we have our own solar exact calendar ,this doubts in the lunar calendar is making the religion as a lime joke!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Grandma Is Sick

Today we heard that my grandmother is sick and she is resting in hospital. My mom went to Mashhad to visit her. I hope she become as healthy as before again but her disease makes me thinking about sweet memories of being with her in the childhood…
I remember those days always before going to her house my mother advices Yaser and I not to be impolite and make a lot of noises, we promise and promise. But as soon as we reach there we forget all the promises and starting to play in her garden and making lots of noise, running all over the house …. Always my mom wants to punish us but she never dares to do it in front of my grandma. She was always our safe guard in front of that cruel mom which stops our playing, and then we grow up, and grow up till now which we are married and have our business but she is always there in that nice house to cook us our favorite meals and enjoy our improvements. She is always there to talk us about the hard days of her youngness era and advising us to thank God that we are not living in those hard times. She is always there to tell us stories about my mom and uncles childhood to remind them that they have been as unexperieneced as us and shouldn't order us very much. And finally she is always there to prove that there is some kindness in this damn world…
I'm praying for her health … please listen Mr God. She is so precious.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Close Friends

The time you pay for a friend or in the other words the friendship period is the credit of it. As much time you pay, as valuable this relationship becomes.
I think it’s the reason of my father saying which always says never rely on your new friends. They should pass lots of tests to become your close friends , they should pass lots of times to prove that they deserve becoming your friend, yes he is right like all before.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Letter 2 Future

A friend introduced me a site which is interesting. By going to this site you can write an email for yourself but you will get it next year exactly at your sending day. She said now when she looks at her situation and her wishes in last year , she founds that how much improvement she has in her life.
I wrote my letter and willing to read it next year (if I was alive). Try it now. I think reading it will be a good memory for your next day, and don't lie, write whatever is making your mind busy these days. Here is the site:

US War Ship In The Way

Today all the news agencies have written about the U.S nuclear war ship movement to Iran southern borders. This war ship is carrying lots of airplanes which are used for bombing. They said they've targeted the nuclear sites of Iran, and another gigantic war ship is in the way. These ships will reach about 20 October and then US will decide to start the war or not.
I know in most of the cases these movements are just for advertising the headers request but who will be responsible for this probable attack?
The supreme leader of Iran said number of participants in coming election will show the popularity of government and they can estimate the number of attendance of that war.
Before every election he says the same but this time he is going to pay the cost by people's lives. Who cares!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Parsian Under Control

If you are living in Iran, I'm sure you have heard about Parsian Bank. It's an individual new born bank which is not under the control of government. I always like going there and use my account. From the first years the polite way of answering the customers and the good rates of benefit they gave at the end of each month was significant. I think they force other banks to improve their level of working.
Now, Central bank has changed the director manager and is trying to reduce the improvement speed of Parsian. Newspapers said they have been frightened of having a big economic obstacle against government.
It's just another regret of living in this country, but I sigh about Parsian because it’s the first bank which is trying to have the nest E-banking services. Although till now this services are only E-Banking purchase, but still this effort in this infant electronic country is adorable.
Let see who is the next target of this … government.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Energy Sources

Have you ever felt that there is someone who needs your positive energy and your probable denial will cause bad lost? I'm sure everyone have been in such position, even sometimes we are demanding that energy from our family members or friends. It's obviously a mutual relationship. Both of you will feel the demand and will answer to the request.
Never, ever ignore this feeling. Always remember that your careless will result in not good conclusions.

P.S. Sometimes running of the situation you have made is the best way of solving that problem in that moment. Think about it. ;)

Sunday, October 08, 2006


A flower for you nice readers.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Junk War

Have you read that secret letter by Khomeini which is published by Hashemi?
These days lots of lines where said about it,even some people wondered about the trueness of it. But the most significant part of it was that tiny confess about the useless of making a war long and longer.
Each war has its own damages and if it doesn’t end in a limited time the cost will increase in a rapid way.
We all paid that cost, those who lost a dear boy or husband or father and the rest who just paid it by the oil money.
Nowadays no country will accept to be in a long war. The last Lebanon –Israel war is considered as a long and useless war which could be ended sooner(it ends in 30 days).
How on earth my country defends for its leaders thought for 8 years?!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ramadan Movies

I don't know the reason of showing lots of films and series exactly after Eftar time in Arabian countries and Iran too?!!!
I think they are managing the best time of people in Ramadan by these not necessary things. Before Eftar you don't have enough energy to do your works and after Eftar you don't find any free time if you or one of your family members are following the rule.
I don't like this time managing which is forced by TV. I know that we should take the control of our life but still wondering about the reason of not having any noticeable movie to watch all the year and suddenly lots of them in 1 month.
P.S. I don't find any time to clean my house :((

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Pilot Novelist

Have you read Le Petit Prince? Do you know who the author is?
These days I'm reading a book about the biography of Antowan De Saint Exopery. He was living at the invention time of airplane, and he was a skillful pilot.
His experience as a pilot is shown at the first chapter of the book and then each person who is in the way of Little Prince, is the history of one of his own experiences.
I love the chapter of meeting fox. But still I have time to find the biography of it. His story was very tangible. Even now lots of us who know it was just a story are searching for Little Prince in the sky.
And also this book is the history of using airplanes as a transport vehicle. Their efforts of reducing fly time and making it safer is interesting.
Just take a look if you had time. It worth reading!