Thursday, April 26, 2012


On Wednesday when Rozana and I went to a shopping center for buying an ice-cream, a thief came  and opened the door of the car and stoles my backpack. I had my car documents include Mehrdad's driving license and also insurance ones and my Galaxy Tablet. lots of more things were stolen but the most precious ones were these. I was shocked and Rozana was crying in a loud voice. When I asked her why are YOU crying she answered she'd like that backpack very much !!!
Anyway, we went to police officer and report the robbery. They said maybe it's returnable if they become successful in finding the man.
I was still shocked, but something nice was happening... Rozana stopped her naughtiness completely and were calming me . She was only kissing my cheeks and saying" Mama don't be upset, you will buy a pink Tablet and a better bag ...". Even at night when Mehrdad came home, Rozana were asking him to come to me in the other room and staying beside me for giving me a better feeling.
It was the first time I found that I can count on her as a friend who is backing me up whenever I need. I was really proud of having her but I'm still unhappy of losing my bag.
Life is passing and only memories will remain, how good if we leave good memories.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Some times you need a friend for asking her about your appearance of that day, sometimes you need her/him for talking back of another friend, sometimes you need her/him for help in some tough jobs ... but some times you need her for laying in her arms and cry ...
This is the precious of my friends, I have them always beside. Thank you

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Yesterday when I was walking with Mehrdad and Rozana and my father beside Darabad's river and enjoying nice weather of spring, I was thinking about the pleasure I have for having my parents beside to walk along.
Today morning one of my colleagues heard about her father pass away ... Counter of people without father plused one, one more family lost her baseline,... I'm upset.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Feel Like Crying

Sometimes you feel like crying although everything is OK and you are living well. I don't know if you understand what I want to say , but I want to express it here that sometimes I feel it and if I accept it I'll feel better but If I reject, it will remains somewhere in my mind hidden but always available. Maybe it's a part of my soul or a part I've unintentionally attached to it...

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Though Night

Last night Rozana slept in my mom's house and it was the first night without her at home. 3 years ago when I was in a working mission I wasn't with her for two nights and it caused stop in her breast-feeding at the age of 21 months old, but this time she went somewhere intentionally with the knowledge of leaving us alone !!!!
I should confess that Mehrdad and I didn't slept well and I was only night-dreaming. I've missed her at the moment.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012