Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Today I found something funny about that plane crash in Mashad. I don't know if you have seen the photos or no, but it's obvious that the front part of the plane got the most damages and those poor 29 people were sitting at that part while those ones who were at the end part survived.
By this image, I thought that the crew staffs are among those dead 29 ones, but amazingly I found that none of those 11 people, even the pilot were even injured.
Now I'm seeing that image more clearly. That plane landed but the tires didn't work. It had the accident and suddenly the flames were all over. The emergency doors should be opened to make that run easier but the first ones at that doors were the staff.
From the moral point of view that pilot should remain in the plane till the moment all the passengers left (like Titanic :D) but …

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