Monday, November 20, 2006

Spring,Summer,Fall,Winter and again Spring

Last night I watched a Korean film named " Spring ,Summer ,Fall , Winter and again Spring" . It was showing the different periods of a human life in the shape of four seasons. The symbol of human was a Buddhism priest which was leaving lonely in a floating house in the middle of a lake. Around this lake were high mountains which can express the difference of the seasons very well.
This man was a great professor in controlling his soul and had a 5 year old student. In these 4 seasons this student grown up and then in winter he lost his professor and became a professional man by himself and started adapting a 5 year old child again.
It wants to say that this cycle is repeating times and again in the human's life, somehow they should experience all the problems to admit the eldest advices.
In summer a sick lady came to that house and after the prayers of the old man she became healthy, but when she left them, young student felt that he is in love with him and left the house to her. But she refused his love and he killed her. This season was the encounter of young student with the wild outside environment and that girl played the role of Satan for his pure soul and changed all the rest of his life. Although at the end of the story he again found that purism but never could forget her story.

In all this film, 30 sentences were talked between the players and the rest was only calm bringing music. I really advice you to watch this film. Not because we don't believe in reincarnation in Islam but because its showing the nice legends of life due to the believes of far east people.

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