Thursday, October 29, 2009


I'm at work and Rozana is on the way to be here. Today her kindergarten is off and I don't have anyone for taking care so Mehrdad & I divided my working time ,first half for Mehrdad and second half for me. Of course she is not a ball but today is passed here and there.
Today I came to work by bus!!!!!! A 30 minute way took about 80 minutes. I was sitting there and looking at the face of people who were getting on and off and guessing who are them and what's their problem of being always frawning. It was an old game which I was used to play while going to high school and university by bus. Now I have a car which was my dream of that days but I'm still running and somehow hate driving because it occupies my mind and don't let me thinking about myself and Rozana.
Life is a nice paradox.

1 comment:

sanaz said...

hi, i am khale sanaz,i have found new way to leave a comment,anyway as i mentioned please don't be in a hurry lifelong is only 0.2 seconds!