Sunday, August 15, 2010


Last night we went to swimming pool after Eftar with my mom and Rozana. We ate Eftar in the pool and then went playing and swimming. Mehrdad waited there till 23 for being with us in return path(we are living in a country which is very similar to old Texas and nobody is in safe mode after a certain time).
Maybe it's nonsense for anyone who reads these lines but it was important for me. He stayed at work till that time while he was in fast and tired just for us. It is precious I think.
Sometimes there are some hidden contracts between couples which makes their relations stronger or weaker. It was one of them for me, Thank you.


khalesanaz said...

but dear friend don't you think it has been a kind of unjustified action,really poor Mehrdad!

Unknown said...

Dear KhaleSanaz,
You are right but believe me it was his suggestion not mine.Maybe imagination of Rozana Laughs was a good inspiration to do it ;)

khalesanaz said...

then you can't complain that she is spoil!

Navaye Mehr said...


khoda hefzesh kone ishala , chera in adrese webloge mano hazf kardin , mishe tozih bedin , zaheran in lotfe shoma be man risheye tarikhi dare . be har hal eib nadare

pirooz bashi va sabz