Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Grandma Is Sick

Today we heard that my grandmother is sick and she is resting in hospital. My mom went to Mashhad to visit her. I hope she become as healthy as before again but her disease makes me thinking about sweet memories of being with her in the childhood…
I remember those days always before going to her house my mother advices Yaser and I not to be impolite and make a lot of noises, we promise and promise. But as soon as we reach there we forget all the promises and starting to play in her garden and making lots of noise, running all over the house …. Always my mom wants to punish us but she never dares to do it in front of my grandma. She was always our safe guard in front of that cruel mom which stops our playing, and then we grow up, and grow up till now which we are married and have our business but she is always there in that nice house to cook us our favorite meals and enjoy our improvements. She is always there to talk us about the hard days of her youngness era and advising us to thank God that we are not living in those hard times. She is always there to tell us stories about my mom and uncles childhood to remind them that they have been as unexperieneced as us and shouldn't order us very much. And finally she is always there to prove that there is some kindness in this damn world…
I'm praying for her health … please listen Mr God. She is so precious.


Anonymous said...

dear somi ,
im so sorry for grandma and Im praying for her health.
I hope your grandma become better at sooner.
regard : ghazal

Anonymous said...

dear Somi, I wish everything goes well with your grandmother, these elders are the ones who keep the families together, at least that is my exprience.

Anonymous said...

dear somi
I became so sad after hearing about your grandma illness.unfortunately I lost my grandparents in my childhood era and today just their memories remain for me.I wish your grandma come back home healthy soon.

Maral said...

I'm praying for her to become as healthy as before:)
Mr God please listen :D;)