Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ramadan Movies

I don't know the reason of showing lots of films and series exactly after Eftar time in Arabian countries and Iran too?!!!
I think they are managing the best time of people in Ramadan by these not necessary things. Before Eftar you don't have enough energy to do your works and after Eftar you don't find any free time if you or one of your family members are following the rule.
I don't like this time managing which is forced by TV. I know that we should take the control of our life but still wondering about the reason of not having any noticeable movie to watch all the year and suddenly lots of them in 1 month.
P.S. I don't find any time to clean my house :((

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From what I have been able to gather is that in most Arab and even in Turkey Ramadan is considered more of a festivity than only a religious practise, so this is where the T.V joins in.