Saturday, October 13, 2007


May God bestow his blessing and abundance on us all; your wishes be granted and your prayers answered.
Happy Eid Al Fetr !!!

I didn't go to travel. The more I thought ,the more I became sure that it would be very hard for Rozana sitting in her car sit for 4~5 hours. She is growing very fast ,so I'm hopeful of going to a travel in near future ;)


Georg said...

Bonjour Somi,

What is Eid, the name of a person or is it an event?

Anonymous said...

salam somi joooooon. man az vaghti dokhmale nazet be donya oomad miyam va mikham comment bezaram va tabrik begam vali hich vaght natunestam panjere comment ha ro baz konam. hezar hezar ta tabrik, baraye gol dokhtaret, baraye eide fetr, baraye hameye shadihat va ....
be zoodi yavash yavash be revale a'addiye zendegi barmigardi, albatteh ba ghabl kheeeeeeeeeeeeeeili fargh dareh, khodet midooni chi migam!!
to va nanaz dokhmaleto miboosam.