Wednesday, December 09, 2009

E.C. Segar's Birthday

Today google logo is changed to Popeye who is eating spinach. It's for the sake of E.C. Segar's birthday. Although he died in 1938 but his favorite cartoon character , Popeye, is still one of the most popular ones all the world. I remember the first cartoon which I saw with our home video( old VHS ones) was Popeye. I can feel that great taste of watching it.

It's respectful you do something wich is remembered even after 80 years of your death. We can see lots of people around who are same but also we can see thousands who are forgotten very very soon after their passing away.
I don't want to be a usual one and maybe it's the reason of thinking to death times and again recently.
I want to go to Mashad and be in the cemetry my aunt is burried and just sit and think about whole life. I'm not depressed but have missed being there very much. Give me the right of missing cemetry even if living happily with my beloved ones.


فتانه said...

اوه ، اوه ، الحضر از جماعت خراساني بخصوص مشهديها ؛ شما مشهدي هستيد ؟! به قول خود شما مشهديها :
مشهدي جلو ، افعي به پشت
افعي رو ولش ، مشهدي رو بكش !!!!!
باور كنيد اينو از چند تن از همشهريهاتون شنيدم !
سفرتون به خير :)

Unknown said...

Unfortunately it's a fact that Iranian makes fun of each other's place of birth. You can find lots of jokes about Shomalis, Torks, Lors, Esfahanis,... but it's not a good touchstone I think. We should judge people on their own amnners not on the rumors about their place of birth.
Anyhow, I'm proud of being born in Mashad between veryyyyyyy nice family and repeat it whenever I forgot.

SH-A said...

خیلی با نظر فتانه خانم موافق نیستم اینکه بخواهیم تعمیم بدیم و همه آدمها رو در هر شهری به یک چشم ببینیم ولی حقیقتش من هم این شعر رو در مورد مشهدیها شنیده بودم ولی به هر حال خوب و یا بد در هر کجا ممکنه وجود داشته باشه ، اما شما سمی خانم باز که از خود متشکر شدی ، این خوب نیست که ادم خودش از خودش و خانواده اش تعریف کنه . تعریف شما را باید دیگران بکنند البته منظور از دیگران دوستان نزدیک و یا خانواده تان نیستند بلکه منظور دیگرانی هستند که از کمی اونور می بینندتون و تا حدودی می شناسندتون !
حالا چرا نظرات رو اول تائید میکنی ، نکنه یه چیزهایی می نویسند که نباید بنویسند ، ایرونی ها هیچ وقت طریقه درسیت قضاوت و انتقاد رو یاد نمیگیرند ، مگه نه ؟!!!

ghazal said...

Sorry , but buried not burried :D

محمد درویش said...

ممنون از حضور متفاوت تان.
زنده باشید.