Monday, August 15, 2011


In Ramazan Mehrdad comes home at 9PM and most of the times Rozana is preparing for sleep at that time. Some nights ago he said he can't see her alot and missed her so decided to come home earlier that before at the other day. Next day Rozana went to play with her friends in the building yard from 5 to 9 (!!!) so Mehrdaddidn't succeeded in playing with her although he was at home from 6. It made me thainking alot. At the moment she is only 4 but didn't pay any attention to us and does what she likes ,what would be expected in 20 years ? Why do we all think we should have at least one child for completing the prosperity then 2nd child for benefiting from tham in aging years ... then just rounding and working for their comfort up to reaching those ages and then .... they want to be with their friends, loves, rommates and we feel alone and maybe think back to the way we passed.
Rozana is wonderful and I know she is doing in a normal manner, maybe we parents are somehow overestimating them.

1 comment:

Amir said...

I was one of your classmates at university. This is really nice that your are happy with your life and you enjoy it.
I wish you success in your whole life.