Saturday, June 26, 2004

Dare to criticize

Some days ago, I was going home by bus.It was one of those hot summer days.After a while an old lady got on.From the first step of the bus she started cursing all the passengers.I think she was mad or not in a well-built social situation.
She shouted and said she would smash anybody who comes near to her and surprisingly, everyone tried to keep the safe distance!!!
None of the passengers was courageous enough to stop her.Maybe it happened because they don't like having any trouble , so they all let her curse all of them.
When we expand it to a big society like a country,we'll see if the people of that country are this much conservative which don't criticize any wronge incident, then the leaders and government of that country would do anything they want and sure enough that nobody dare to say anything.
What do you think? ;)

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