Saturday, March 04, 2006


This is my 100th post. Some numbers have different values than their names. This one hundred is the same for me. When I started blogging for the first time about 2 years ago, it was very hard for me to write in English which is not my vernacular. At first I was writing my texts on a piece of paper and then typing it and then correcting the mistake and … so it takes a lot of time to find the subject and then finding the words used in it and then typing and correcting the texts. This hard procedure encouraged me to stop English writing or even writing, but there were some permanent readers who were persuading me for writing more texts and their courage's made me to this point.
Now I see if I don't look at my page I feel kind of homesick and even if nobody read it , I feel comfortable of writing my ideas somewhere and I owe it to all those good readers.


Simon said...

Congratulations on the 100.
You have to be admired for carrying on, and your posts are most enjoyable, and the more there are, the easier the English becomes. I would definitely not try to master your home language, it just seems far too difficult, and the brain cells are now starting to get old. As long as you are blogging, I am sure you will have an audience.

Anonymous said...

Happy 100th Post!!! Keep on writing somi jan, your open views on events and everything else is really interesting and keeps us commin' back for more! ;)Just Keep Going...