Monday, March 06, 2006

These men ....

Imagine you are eating dinner in front of the TV and it's showing a horror movie. You are deeply inside the story and are just drinking a glass of water, but it never ends. You drink and drink but it doesn't end. Your stomach is full and you feel you can't even breathe but it doesn't end again. Guess what could be the reason?
In my case it was Mehrdad who was sitting beside me and just was pouring water into my glass to see when I understand his naughtiness!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bravo mehrdad,i am proud of you,it is a good joke.

Anonymous said...

it is more funny that u know if Ramin was in mehrdad's shoes, every time my glass was empty.because he is too lasy to make it full of water. he only drink it.