Monday, June 14, 2010

D i c t a t o r s h i p

I was reading a mail about a book by Sperber called "Zur Analyse der Tyrannis" ( In German means D i c t a t o r s h i p),which has been published about 25 years ago in Iran and is about behaviour of people who thinks are qualified enough to rule all the people. There is a nice sentence there: " All people are potential to be brave except d i c t a t o r s." With recent events of Iran we can touch the fact easier than before.

P.S. Two nights ago all roofs of Tehran were full of "Allaho Akbar", a religious phrase which means "God is great" but is used for showing protesters anger for more than 30 years in Iran.


mehrdad said...

i've a translated copy of the book. if you would i could send it to you.

khalesanaz said...

i think book 1984 was enough for us to realize that what kind of society we live in and our children have to b educated there

زمانه مامان پرهام said...

سلام خانمی! انگار همه انگیزه ها مرده
خوبی؟ رزانا جون خوبه؟ چقدر دلم براتون تنگ شده و دلم میخواد ببینمتون
رزانا را ببوسید

ALI said...

از وبلاگ يكي از همكاران خوبم به شما سر زدم ، جالبه كه انگليسي مي نويسي
تاريخ هميشه تكرار ميشه خانم
موفق باشيد

Unknown said...

To Ali: Yes I know that good collegue of you. She has lots of footprints here of course.

adele said...

animal farm:
all animals are equal, some are more equal

somaie joonami this is the damn evere true story of our gloomy upside drowning society

Anonymous said...

animal farm:
all animals are equal, some are more equal

somaie joonami this is the damn evere true story of our gloomy upside drowning society