Saturday, January 28, 2006


… Then the fox appeared.
Fox said: "Hi"
The petite princess turned and said: "Hi"
The fox said: "I'm here, under the apple tree."
Petite princess said: "Who are you? How beautiful you are!!!"
Fox said: "I'm a fox."
Petite princess asked: "Come and play with me, I'm very alone."
Fox replied:" It's impossible, you haven't tamed me yet."
Petite princess asked: "Sorry, what's the meaning of taming?"
…Fox answered: "It means making attraction, at the moment you are a boy like the other thousands for me, and I'm a common fox like the others for you, but whenever you tame me, then we'll need each other and I'll be the only one in the entire world for you."
Little princess said:"… Now I understand. There is a flower who, I think, has tamed me…"
Then after taming the fox, little princess tend to leave. Fox was crying and said:' I'm telling you a secret, the value of your flower depends on the time you've spent for her. You are responsible for your tamed things; you are responsible for your flower…"
And little princess repeated:' I'm responsible for my flower."

This text is flash of "The Petite Princess" by Antowan De Saint Exupery, This is my favorite part which is indirectly saying us we are responsible for the things we have spent time for them. We are not allowed to leave them after that time. Now I see why my older friends are my better ones, both of us have tamed each other in a plenty of time and now we can't forget all the past.


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite part too. :) By the way, I've updated my blog once, maybe it doesn't apear on your screen somi joon :)

JoshSN said...

It is a little Prince, not Princess.