Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Social Relations

Who are the most honest people in the world? According to official statistics of UN, Japanese people are in the first ranking and the second and forth place belongs to some other oval eyed countries and then we will see some Europeans as the third and fifth to tenth place and then Canada and USA and ……… so where is Iran? This report says that Japanese people never understand what is dishonest, it’s not defined in their minds so they are not able to not tell the truth, and because of that they don’t have very good social relationship .The reason is clear, when you can’t tell lie, you can’t bear someone who is not matched with you and you straightly tell him your opinion, so this relationship will be cut. But here in Iran, we are always bearing people for some other reasons: He is my boss, so I shouldn’t tell him how rat he is. He is my cousin, so I shouldn’t tell him how tight-fisted he is. She is my colleague, so I shouldn’t tell her she is always nagging (saying these adjectives doesn’t means that I’m perfect and just other people have problems). You see, always the dependencies; not the reality; makes our relations level.


Anonymous said...

And if it's possible...
just tell me what do you think about your husband and hesitate to tell directly to him!

Unknown said...

I think he doesn't need my confession, he already knows what I think about him :D

Anonymous said...

You know I was reading 'bout an article some times ago, it said that tellin' lies has direct relation with success in social communications. This Article was saying that some sort of lies are not the sign of an immoral or dishonest person, but rather a socially intelligent being, what do you think? :)