Thursday, June 01, 2006


Last night I heard news that in India, government has ordered that any foreign company could import their mobile phones but they should use Indian power chargers for their products. As you know India is a big market for any product and they already knew; in spite of all their improvements in IT technology; they don’t have the ability of producing mobile phones with the price and quality of the foreigners. They know that they are good in power chargers so they decide to at least make some jobs and benefits out of it.
As you know, last week in Iran all the prices of foreign products had a noticeable increase out of the new decisions of the government. They ratified a rule, which gets customs duty 10 times more than before. They explained it as a way to support local producers but they never thought that up to the time we reach to their level we should produce our power chargers!!!!! And let our people to enjoy the quality of good products.

1 comment:

Sapinud said...

I'm thinking...