Monday, July 31, 2006

The War-4

After the end of World War I, Jewish immigration to Palestine started significantly. At this time a political group called Zionism was built which aimed to help all Jews, especially those ones living in Russia and Europe to come back to their home land in 19th century. During this war Turkey was in the side of Germany and when they won the war the Great Britain got the control of the land. When General Allenby entered Jerusalem, he dismounted his horse and was greeted by the leaders of all three religions.
Turkey lost it's control of the Middle East. Britain decided to make two parts in The Land one for Arabs and one for the national people including Jews. Emir Faisal agreed to Jews immigration to Palestine but he asks them to accept The Land as a state of Syria.
Between 1920 and 1945 the Jewish population increased from 1% to almost 31% .In 1936 the British Peel Commission advised to divide the western part of the Palestine between Arabs and Jews. This suggestion end to a war which made 5000 Arabs, 400 Jews and 200 Britain killed.
I think after observing the pertinacity of Arabs and Jews, British decided to Leave The Land immediate after the World War II. They found that none of them is accepting any peaceful contract….


Simon said...

History is strange, and often creates problems for the modern world, but I think history should be used for learning, not as an excuse. What is going on in the ME is terrible, yet it could be so different. As an example, whether it was acceptable the Israel existed or not is no longer an issue...Israel does , is a member of the UN and has done many wonders in the world of medice, communications from which the world has benifitted. So why this obsession with her destruction.....had violence opposing her never commenced with any of the wars from 1948, had all the money that the Islamic world plied towards her destruction been spent on the infrastructure of palestine, Palestine would now have been an economic entity parallel to Israel.
Do the Iranian people want to see a large sum of their taxes given to Hizbollah to wage war??/
Do Lebanese, Syrian, Iranian and Israeli mothers want to see their children and grand children sent of to a war...I think not.
Why must this continue??? Why can all the countries not stop and realize that this bloodshed has gone on enough.....if everyone were just to accept that there have been past differences, that all concerned in one way or the other have killed and maimed and have been doing so for so long..TO NO AVAIL. Has anything changed....NO, so is it not glaringly obvious that war is wasted????

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

it's so funny how many people defend israel but forget to mention the transgression of UN Security Council resolutions and the nuclear weapons and the murders of innocent children.

Simon said...

It is also funny how people forget that in the event that israel has nukes, she has never used them, it is not so funny that there is never condemnation of the suicide attacks in Israel that kill Jew, Arab and Christian with no discrimination.
No mention gets made of Hizbollah and Hamas rockets being aimed, not at the IDF but at innocent children, nor does any one comment on the fact that Hizbollah fire their rockets from within civillian communities, inviting death and destruction on innocents.
I have no wish to turn this blog site into a heated area of family has ties and relations on both sides of the border but there are faults on both sides and that does not get defended. Hizbollah excuses its existence as a legal opposition to the Israeli occupation of Lebanon, they did not oppose the Syrian occupation, however their "legitmacy" by their own definition expired when Israel withdrew 6 years ago. and their remaining an armed militia is also in contravention of a UN resolution.