Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yalda & Gurban

After lots of posts with the label of Rozana, now I want to write this one just for myself. Last night I was chatting with a friend. He regularly visits my weblog and suggested to create a new blog just for Rozana instead of writing in her name label. His suggestion was good but when I thought deeper I feel that Rozana is mine, part of mine, somehow other version of myself. It belongs to me by all her properties during her childhood so I'll write for her here. When she becomes an adult then she can decide to stay here or move to a new blog.

Tomorrow is named for 2 incidents in Iran. First one for "Shabe Yalda" which is the longest night of the year and all the Iranian celebrate it as the symbol of being with each other for 1 minute more than the previous night and another one is "Eid Gurban". If you read my weblog,last year exactly ,at the day before this day, I got the answer of my pregnancy test and it made it as one of my best memories. I remember we went to visit one of my friend's fathers who were in hospital. I was really happy and also angry that why I can't share my happiness with the others (Of course I wrote about it here and somehow expressed my feelings out). Any how, we are living with these memories.
I'm really upset that my brothers and Attijoon are not here with us. Their absence is totally obvious and it makes our Yalda not very joyful, but the hope of being with them in future is a good cure.

Happy Yalda to everyone and enjoy being with your families.

1 comment:

Ahmad said...

Hi Somi

As you asked me about story.
I received some of storys by my
an Email and share it for virtual friends as you,meanwhile my name is Ahmad ,you wrote hamed
please edit

Take care
Ahmad- Ashkavand