Monday, November 17, 2008


Today I brought Rozana and Mama to a kindergarten near the home!!!!!!! My grandma is sick, she is in hospital so Mama should go to Mashad but for babysitting my girl she is still here. I know we won't forget these days if ... something happen to grandma ,so Mama should be in Mashad and .... Today was the first day and I hope this education period doesn't last more than 10 days( Imagine a 15 months old baby vs education !!!) Really I'm confused and also sad. I love grandma, obviously no need to mention here again. I', praying my always king God for giving her health again.


Anonymous said...

سلام گلم مرسی از محبتت که همیشه به ما سر میزنی . من میام اینجا اما متاسفانه نمیتونم برات نظر بزارم . هفته پیش بود فکر کنم برای ایمیل زدم و گفتم نمیتونم اینجا رو باز کنم . انشالله به دستت رسیده باشه و خونده باشیش

Anonymous said...

آخی عزیزم برای مادربزرگت خیلی ناراحت شدم . انشالله هر چه زودتر حالشون خوب خوب میشه اصلا نگران نباش . من هم دعا میکنم . رزانای عزیزم رو ببوس