Thursday, July 05, 2007

Week - 32

Hi my sweetheart, how are you? How is there? I think it's really getting hard for you to play ;) but fortunately less than 2 months are left.
You are about 1.7kg and 40cm !!! The wrinkles of your skin are disappearing and your hairs are obviously there on your tiny nice head. It's said that if you'll be born from this week,then you won't face into any major problem because all of your organs are shaped completely but the more you stay there,the better it will be for your next life beside us and the less you will be sick.
We are all good here, yesterday lots of my friends called me for the mother's day. It was obvious that your coming is bringing me joy and honor and happiness. Today and tomorrow we will visit your grandmothers, so you will have 2 days full of spirit.
...and your father, he is as good as before and yesterday told me that his summer holidays are exactly at the time of your birth. It's really good because he is beside me at the time of pain and waits and also because your uncle and Atiijoon are coming to Iran we can go lots of places at those days :D From now I'm tasting it.
Do you know why I'm less in breath taking these days. The reason is interesting. The bigger you become ,the more space you need. So my lungs won't have enough place in breath taking circulation and it will result in my lack of breath taking.
I want to consult you about my gift your father is giving me. He gave me 2 selection, I should choose a new cellphone or a new digital camera. I think another digital camera will be useful and this old cellphone will be with me until you become naughty enough ,then I'll gave it to you for breaking and making your father buy me another one :D It's fair.
As usual I say, keep resting and be a good girl in feeding. Kissss honey.

1 comment:

Sapinud said...

Lool, I can see from now that this mother and daughter are very united! :D That's cool, go on, keep inspiring us!!! ;)
P.S. I can't wait for the "so many places" that you're going to take us! I love "SO MANY PLACES"!!! ;)