Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Once upon a time there was a king. He had 3 sons. When they became adult he called them for defining the king after him. He said I'll make king out of the one who finds prosperity in his life, and I'll give you 5 years for finding it.
The eldest son decided to stay with his father, he said I feel prosperity while I'm with my family and I'm enjoying my life, so he got married and waited for other brothers.
The second one said I'm happy with my friends, I like enjoying my life time and I feel I have everything while I'm just having fun. His father agreed, so he spent most of his times in hunting and climbing and being in parties and also traveling and was concious about the others feelings.
The youngest one who was the wisest too....( up to here of the story is common in most of the languages, all the readers are waiting for the youngest son decision as the conclusion of the story and prove of good life for the wisest one , but I want to write the story as I wish)
The youngest one who was the wisest too was always thinking about the prosperity. Sometimes he thinks it's being with family, sometimes having fun, sometimes going to different countries and have some ventures, sometimes being wealthy, sometimes being healthy, sometimes being always young...
... he was always thinking, there were lots of pieces which would make the meaning of prosperity all together ,none of them by itself could bring it... so he was thinking and thinking... and 5 years passed.

The king called all of them and asked about their experiences. We all know what was the answer of first two brothers but the last one said I couldn't find prosperity because I think it's the summation of lots of things which can't be together in most of the times. You might be wealthy but not healthy, you might have good friends but not a good family, you might be handsome but not intelligent... so I couldn't find it.
His answer made the king think and obviously the youngest son was the king after him.

Sometimes we have prosperity in our hands but we never understand up to the time we lose one of those elements, what do you think?!!!!!

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