Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Head Deformation

Hi everyone. I'm back after some days delay, I want to write the reason of my absence here although some of my friends said it's not good to write about everything in your weblog. I'm somehow agree with their ideas but for two reasons I do reverse: first, there are some mothers who are reading my weblog, so getting familiar with children problems will be good for them, and second, Rozana will become adult and it's good for her to know about the problems we face while raising her ,so it's the story:
You remember I was worried about her head shape which isn't symmetrical. Last week I brought her to a brain professor, at first glance he said two possible reasons are probable but you should take her head radio pictrure for getting sure. It might be from bad sleeping position of her or might be from a bone deformation in her head!!!!!!!! I got the picture and the doctor became more sure that it might be the second reason but for more assurance ordered a CTScan too. I don't want to say how hard is getting a CTScan pictire of a child, in all the procedure she was crying and my mother and I too ,but we all knew it's important for her health. It took 5 days till yesterday which I brought the results again to the doctor, in these days all of us were some how worried and nervious because if the bone deformation were confirmed then she should have a surgery in her head and it was really tough. Anyhow, yesterday when the doctor saw the pictures ,even he himself, was surprised. He said thanks kind God which no bone deformation is seen and this problem will be solved in next months.
This problem is getting very common in infants. 2 of 10 usually have it and if not cure in the right time then more problems will be occured. Please be careful and have your regular visits of your pediatrician.

Thank you kind God.


Anonymous said...

Hi Some
you do not worry.
I am so glad that your dautghter is healthy and safe.
I believe that motherhood is the
most rewarding.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

dear somi
i am so happy and i hope that everything is good and i hope never heare any bad news.
please remember that "hamishe hatta masaele manfi ro ba dide mosbat negah kon, mibini ke natije avaz mishe".
Deare baybe
i congradulate you , For your healthy although i was sure that you were kidding us .

Anonymous said...

khastam begam commente balayee ke bedoone esme send shod, male mane .
omran age nemigoftam , mifahmidi man bidam???????OMRAN