Monday, July 13, 2009

The Worst Trip

We came back from our trip to Chadegan. I can honestly say it was the worth trip that ever I had. Weather was so polluted , I got cold and flue about 40 degree 3 nights and there were some predicted problems which made this trip very bad. Thanks God Rozana stayed healthy, even Mehrdad at coming back got cold and with my presure went and inject some medicines.

I believe that any event of my life MUST be an experience of future. at least now I'm glad of having this type of trip so I'll certainly will avoid anything similiar in near or far future. Maybe Mehrdad doesn't like reading these sentences but we should be honest in any condition.


نيلوفر مامان تارا said...

سلام خانمي. ممنون از لطفي كه نسبت به من و دخترم داري. گرچه اين روزها فرصتم واسه وبلاگ گردي خيلي محدود شده اما هميشه به يادتون هستم. راستي عكسهاي سفر چادگانتون منو برد به خاطرات دوران دانشجويي خودم. اميدوارم بهتون خوش گذشته باشه. دختر گلت رو ببوس.

هاله مامان ارشیا said...

همیشه خوش باشین عزیزم