Sunday, October 07, 2007


Some nights ago I had guest and I became very tired. Although all the jobs were done by them but I was feeling totally exhausted. Rozana was kept on crying and we weren't able to calm her down. Suddenly I felt I'm over and sat and cried. It's very bad to be nervous while you are feeding an infant. I knew it and tried to stop my tears and it emphasized the situation so at last I continued crying.
All the guests became sad and wanted to help in any possible way but maybe my depression feeling was greater than their kindness.
When they asked me about the reason I replied " I'm tired of taking care of my daughter all the days and nights without any holiday and sometimes without any reason because she doesn't stop her crying most of the nights…" and you know what they answered?!!!
One of them said you should think about those poor ones who don't have any mother near available for helping them. It made me thinking but not a good relief, but another one said:" you should think about those people who are dying for hearing an infant cries in their house but they are unable of having any children!!!!!!!!" .this was really a wise answer. I though for some seconds and then apologized God for being such a bad mother who becomes soon tired. Now I'm feeling better in taking care of her and am trying to enjoy all the seconds of being with her even those long nights which she feels pain in her stomach and keep on crying.

1 comment:

Georg said...

Bonjour Somi,

Don't feel guilty, don't apologize to God, he created you as you are!

Anyway, the first year is always very trying but with the help of your family and your friends you will overcome.

In the meantime,
best wishes, cheers and tinkety-tonk