Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Come Back

Hi all my dear readers.
After almost 1 month ,not writing in my weblog, I'm back again. Yesterday I found some time to connect my pc to internet in the new house and now I can be more online in my free times.
Rozana is 39 days old now. Mehrdad and I have learned to take better care of her and now she is feeling more comfortable with us. These 39 days was really a new experience in my life, excersice of taking care of a creature who is totally dependend on you and just one moment of carelessness could result into her harm.
Anyway, everything is OK and I'm deciding about the future of my weblog.
Before her birth ,only 1 post of each week belongs to her. I think it's better to continue it same as before but this time with her weekly pictures. It can be a memory book for her maybe after 20 years!!!!!
So I'll write as before about anything which rush into my mind and some posts belong to Rozana.
Please be patient in our new come back. Have good times and bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice to hear u again
delight to know about ur daily life
pleased to know u better