Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The War-5

Soon after World War II Britain decided to leave The Land. UN went to solve the dispute, so in 1947 they divided The Land into two parts regarding the populations. Jewish accepted the terms but Arabs said it's inadequate and reject. In 1948 Jewish asked for a single entity as Israel country in the UN. The armies of Syria, Egypt, Iraq. Jordan and Lebanon started a new war which almost Israel was the winner and end to lots of Palestinians exiles and homes lose which they haven't come back till today.
West Bank and Gaza Strip which were in Arab parts were controlled by Jordan and Egypt from 1948 till that year Israel attacked for these areas and occupied them. UN in Security Council asked Israel to leave occupied land to make peace. Meanwhile Palestinians were demanding for their independency, either in Palestine or occupied lands.
This war continued all these years. In 1993 Israel accepted to allow Yaser Arafat to enter The Land and according to Oslo Accord he accepted to give Palestinians some limited independency in some parts of occupied lands.
I think this story which is looped in different periods of time will be ended in next episode.

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