Saturday, March 10, 2007

Stopped Again

I have a bad habit that is most of the times an obstacle for my improvements. When I start a new project vigorously, at the middle I lose my energy and sometimes give it up. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have enough enthusiasm or I’m not trained enough for finishing a task. I think it’s just something inside me causes this.
Do you know any way to keep my persistence in a job I’ve started? Working suggestions will be most appreciated. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Hi,, Its not only BAD infact very bad,,, and i think i can help you out to solve this problem,,,,

but if I could know,, what job you have started,, which you could not complete,,, and Y you have stoped it,,

any appropirate arguments will be appreciated,,, :D

Have a good day

Anonymous said...

Nabordeh RanJ Ganj Moyassar Nemishavad

Mozd An Gereft Jane Bradar Ke Kar Kad ...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HI , NINI naz ....................

haw are you taday googooli ?
