Tuesday, June 12, 2007

BiBi & Majid

If you are an Iranian ,I'm sure you have seen "Majid Stories" Series which was directed by Kiomars Poorahmad and shown in IRIB 1 channel. Last night in a live program ,the director was seaten there and answering to the questions after almost 20 years of making that series. I realy enjoyed all the program. It was a remembrance of my childhood and the nice simple world of it. The nostalgia feeling which is felt always after watching an episode of this serial is a feeling which I'm thankful of God for having it.
you can watch this program tomorrow by this link .
At the middle of the program ,they talked about BiBi who was grandma of Majid in the story and mother of the director in the reality. She was always a copy of my grandmother, Abji. I think Yaser can remember those days which we always compare them and confess lots of their kindness, caring, cooking techniques, economical living,wisdom ... are the same. Even now Mehrdad has found these similarities. I ask God for the health of these two kind grandmothers for being our positive sources of energy.


Anonymous said...

و به ياد ايام خوش كودكي

كالاجوش با دستپخت بي بي مجيد ( يادم اولين بار اسم اين غذا رو در همين قصه شنيدم )

يادش بخير بچگي ها

و چه زود هميشه دير مي شود ...

يا هو ...

Sapinud said...

vayyy man sare filmaye majid az daste kharab karish too sare khodam mizadam o hers mikhordam hamash :)):)) vayyyyy oon enshayee ke neveshte bood darbareye morde shoooraaaa, ya oon meigu khordaneshhhh :)):)) kheili dust dashtam filmeshooooo. Bibi ham khoda bood, man ta hala kallajoosh nakhordam vali :|