Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week - 31

Hi honey,how are you? Sorry that yesterday I was sad and put you in trouble too.
These days people of Iran are so worried about the new situation of fuel limitations and all the discussions are about it. Even yesterday Hadi said while he was in a taxi and radio said about the start of limitations then the driver started to cry, because he afford his life only by working as a taxi man and now with this less sharing he won't be able to continue his job. Yesterday I heard all these news and something else happened too so i lost my control and made you sad. really sorry. I don't like to say this but I think naturally you are getting used to live in Iran, maybe one day when we move to Malaysia then we regret why we haven't decide it earlier.
... Lets talk about your improvements, up to now you are about 1.5kg and 40cm !!!! Up to now I haven't solve this question that how a 40cm creature is in my stomach. It's because you are rounded so you have been roomed in this small space.
Your mommy has bought you the last parts of cloths and bath wares . Now we are all ready except your house.
... And your daddy, I feel he is trying to not put me on stress ,and I feel he is counting days for your birth. So I've decided to not become angry by these social problems and try to just think about you in the last weeks.
And one good news, eventually yesterday the senate members ratified the rule of extending new mothers off days from 4 months to 6 and also they let us to come home 1 hour earlier for 24 months. All of these means that I've more time to be with you.
Kiss you honey, think about my sayings and rest there.


Sapinud said...

That's good, you're one lucky mother and daughter! I'm so happy to hear the news, not long before we see each other and the little angel! Take lots of care...

Anonymous said...

your one lucky mother & daughter really ...:D

its very good for all of mothers in iran ... thanks god .

take care ...