Saturday, March 06, 2010


Last days were full of house cleaning jobs, friends visiting and being with Rozana and Mehrdad. We made lots of funny experiences during these jobs, even now when I remember them I can't stop laughing.

In my workplace we should be at work in Nouruz holidays, of course I won't come but those people who are working with me should. I wrote a turn letter for them and divided 15 days into two weeks and asked them to come in one of the weeks but they are not agree and think I hadn't been fair. Really this job has occupied my mind. Although I said you should do as I wrote but I'm still thinking if it was correct or not. Sometimes making everyone satisfied is not possible.


مامان ديبا و پرند said...

سلام دوستم
صداي كارمنداتو شنيدم كه گفتن خودش ميره استراحت ما بايد بياييم سركار :)))
نميشه برنامه روزانه بدي به بچه ها كه خودشون تصميم بگيرن چه روزهايي بيان سركار؟؟؟

Unknown said...

My dear ...
I did exactly as you suggested but the bad point was they wasn't able to fix their time and everyone was unable to be at the first days of New Year. so we arranged it in a manager decision.
It's not good but reality that some Iranians can't think about anyone else except themselves.