Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Today morning Mehrdad & I went to a Tabbakhi for eating breakfast. In that immediate morning streets are not crowded and also today because of the nice raining everything looks different. But suddenly a bad accident sounds and I saw a poor passenger who was hit by a car and throne to the other side of the street. I didn't go for looking at the accident but all the people in the Tabbakhi went and when they came back most of them were eating their meal reluctantly.
I think it just took 10 minutes for police come and took that poor guy to the hospital but that bad memory will stay in all witnesses memories all the day.
If that driver was a little more careful and had driven in a slower speed then lots of good things would happen !!!


Anonymous said...

vay kale , pache : moghaz va zaboon : noosh jooooooooooo:D

ama teflaki oon rahgoozar .

Anonymous said...

javabe soalet :

dorost mesle rabeteye to ba madarshoooooooooooharet :D