Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sent Outs(Ekhrajiha)

Some days ago I watched Ekhrajiha after almost 1 hour waiting for buying the tickets. Up to now from financial points of view ,it's been successful to stand in the top list of Iran film history. Just this fact is enough for any body to be curious for watching it.
By this overview I went to the cinema and so disappointed I came out. It's the story of some illiterate and impolite band who go to the war just for the sake of a daughter. Up to here you can see only some lime jokes which are not popular even in ordinary talks and then the bad rule of the story which only wants to say those ones who participated in the war have become purified. No matter how true this way of thinking is ,the bad way of telling the story and the soon conclusion are two negative points of the film. Also I can't forget the director, who was an obstacle while reformist attempts were beginning in Iran.
I'm sure our people go to the cinemas and watch it only because they need to have some fun between all these sad news and want to forget their problems even for only 2 hours but no one can forget the bad literature and behavior of the director and his fans.
Just compare it with Marmulak who was very better than this one and was banned because of the opposite ideas in the government. Now it's become more clear that why this film with all governmental supports have become in the first top list!!!

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